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Writing Group

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Freewill Offering

Service Description

Here is an outline of what we will be creating for this space! A opportunity to meet with others at a designated time to focus on pouring into your cup and have focused writing time. Sharing & Receiving positive feedback Each gathering we will: Use a weekly prompt to help you get ideas flowing Have fun and allow yourself to see what comes through giving you the space and ability to simply create vs having to get it right . Each session will include a reading of our work reading your work out loud gives you an opportunity to hear how it sounds. After each reading we will thank the person that read and give very brief feedback on what you heard in their writing. The Goal of This Writing Space Community is 3-fold Receive & give encouragement Create a safe space to develop as a writer if that is your goal To heal through writing Time Frame breakdown per session : 90 minutes 5 mins brief check in regarding the prompt of the session 60 mins of writing (maybe broken up into 3-20 minute sessions) 20 mins of reading out loud (3-5 minutes depending on the size of the group) We will be meeting on Zoom however, in order to get the greatest benefit I request you prepare yourself to be in a space where you can give your attention towards your writing My second request is that you contribute and commit to being lifting another up!

Cancellation Policy

Please note due to this is a drop in space there are no refunds. Thank you for connecting with Real Life Real Talk, LLC You make a difference to those around you!

Reach to Us

(651) 317-9716

Real Life Real Talk, LLC, North Bryant Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Upcoming Sessions

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